Some of you may not know, but today my little sister Alison moved to Caceras, Spain for the next year. She will be working for the government of Spain teaching English in the public schools, part-time (and traveling the rest of the time). This day has come after at least six months of waiting, including weeks of wondering when her much-needed student visa would arrive. My parents are vacationing in Europe for a few weeks, and conveniently Alison's visa arrived on Friday afternoon. Friday was a mad dash of scrambling, to get a plane ticket for today (Monday), arrange transportation, make packing lists, say goodbyes, and everything else you do before moving out of the country!
I just wanted to post how proud I am of my sis! I talked to her today during her layover in Philadelphia, before departing for Madrid and she said, "Kelly, I can't believe I am doing this. What am I doing?!!?!?" I could hardly contain my excitement for her, and it left me thinking all day long about how life is too short to NOT move somewhere in Europe. It's just so awesome and AMAZING! More of her comments included waiting in line in Philly for the flight and being spoken to in Spanish by several different people. She must have the European look down, because that never happened to Jeff and I! :-) Al--I am so excited and proud of you. This will be a life-changing, irreplaceable experience.