A few weeks ago Jeff was told he might have the opportunity to travel to Africa for a work project. AFRICA!!! So awesome. And yes, quite an opportunity! Weiden and Kennedy is doing a project with a non-profit organization called
The Girl Effect, that was started by the Nike Foundation. He would travel to Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Ethiopia. This trip couldn't have come at a more "inconvenient" time...being that we just had a baby seven weeks earlier, and Jeff was going to be gone over two weeks. However, you all know our extreme passions for travel. I wanted to go just as much as Jeff did! We really struggled back and forth over whether he should go...Ella was still so little, only a few weeks old, and it was an overwhelming thought for me to be on my own for so long with a newborn baby. But in the end we both knew I would be okay and we both would've hated for him to miss out on such an incredible opportunity. That's one thing I am proud of in our relationship - we've always let each other do what we needed to do - and I hope we can continue to always be this way.
Now it's already been almost two weeks and Jeff will be getting home on Monday. I've spent the past twelve days in Seattle with my family, and what a wonderful time it's been. Such a treat to have so much time with them. My parents and Alison got great bonding time with Ella, which helped me a lot, and I too had a great time with my babe...also seeing friends, shopping, and relaxing with my fam. We had lovely weather almost the entire time and my parents spoiled me.
I will certainly post more details and pictures of Jeff's trip, but in the meantime here is a collage of photos Jeff took while at a wildlife refuge (?) in Kenya. While there he saw a ton of amazing animals...even lions eating zebras (sad!!!).
More details to come!! :) xoxo

Saying goodbye to Ella at the airport :(