
seattle for labor day

We spent the long Labor Day weekend in Seattle - and wow did we choose a good weekend for sunny weather! It was the warmest I've seen it up there in a long time. Saturday night my Uncle Tom and Aunt Janice hosted a family BBQ for all of the relatives (my side), which was also fun because Ella got to meet everyone. We're just a bit bitter and not even going to mention the Duck game, which was taking place at the same time....Jeff watched most of it, and I caught glimpses of some, but it was a sad sight! Hopefully the Ducks do better this season than they did in their first game!

Here are a few pics from the weekend...

Auntie Alison with El and Chloe

Cheering on the Ducks

Oh what a view!

Ella and her Great-Grandma Dorothy


Jess@themommymiles said...

looks like a great weekend. ella is so beautiful!

Jess@themommymiles said...

oops that last comment was justin :)

voip services said...

it looks like a great weekend