
it's a new year

It's a new year! I don't normally make new years resolutions (because they are almost never kept - look at the statistics), but this year I will be looking for easy ways to add more health to our diets (flax seed meal, whole wheat flour, eating less food in general). I picked up this lovely little new concoction from TJs...have to say, it's about as appealing as a pile of green grass when it's in the cup and ready to be drank. But, it doesn't taste too bad, especially when mixed into apple juice. Surprisingly I have no problem chugging it down every morning...just read the label! A 3.5 oz serving of broccoli has 900 ORAC units, and a cup of this stuff has 8000 ORAC units! It's a super antioxidant. PLUS, the lady at TJs said another customer said it was really good stuff, and normally is way more expensive. Ha, say no more - I am sold. :)

I was inspired by the book I got for Christmas, Deceptively Delicious by Jessica Seinfeld (more recipes to come). She purees vegetables, stores them in ziploc baggies either in the fridge or freezer, then squeezes the purees into recipes so you cannot taste them! It's genius. The main focus of the book is on getting kids to eat veggies, but I think it's great for us adults too. I bought some butternut squash and some sweet potato, all cut and ready to go at Trader Joes, so I can begin my pureeing! Will let you know how it goes (and if I can sneak the veggies past Jeff :).

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