
weekend eats

Ahh, just had to share with you the delightful foods I saw and ate while in Seattle this past weekend - reason being: isn't food just wonderful to look at? Also, maybe this will give you ideas about what to do when making your own food at home. :) Most recipes I try are inspired by foods I have eaten at some of my favorite local restaurants! Simple as these are, I found them delightful...

Homemade ricotta gnocchi tossed with with housemade sausage and fresh tomato sauce
(La Rustica in West Seattle)

Okay, so this wasn't mine; it was Karrie's, but it looked amazing. Salmon pesto skewer over dark greens, tossed with almonds, cranberries, and blue cheese
(Steamers on the pier in downtown Seattle)

This one was mine :) Fried scallops which I saturated in fresh lemon juice - heavenly!! Someone else ate those fries!

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